Monday, April 25, 2016
The Gingerbread House
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Full fathom five they father lies
Full fathom five they father lies
The poem “full fathom five they father lies” has been compoused by William Shakespeare. In this poem the poet uses onomatopoeia which is exemplified by the words ding-dong. Here ding-dong is the sound of the ball. This is song-sung by ariel the sprit to Ferdinand. The prince of neples the prince thing hid father is drowned in the sea
The speaker of this poem is Ariel who is very powerful spirit of wind who flies lightly and invisibly playing music and singing songs. Here he sings the song about the death of Ferdinand’s father. According to him, Ferdinand’s father lies thirty feet below the surface of the sea. Ferdinand is very worried about the death of his father. Giving him sympathy Ariel says that his father has got quite meaningful death. His body is not decayed. Every part of his body has been changed into something beautiful, valuable and strange. His eyes are transformed into pearls and bones are’ changed into coral. The sea nymphs welcome his death by ringing the death bell “Ding-dong” every hour.
In this poem, the spirit Ariel has presented very artful and melodious description about the death of Ferdinand’s father. The prince of Naples is worried thinking that his father is drowned. He is very sad about the meaningless death of his father. However, Ariel gives him sympathy by making the death meaningful through his powerful and magical description. He says that nothing of the dead body has decayed or rotten wastefully. Everything of the dead body is changed into meaningful and precious objects at the bottom of the sea. Ariel finally requests Ferdinand to listen to the death-bell rung by the sea nymphs to welcome his father’s beautiful and meaningful death.
This poem describe about ferdinan’s father’s death. In the poem father is drawned in the sea 30 feet below for long a way hir born made up of sear animals. The father wath has become meanityul because his bouns are changld to coral eyes into pearls and all the parls of his body have bee change into vaivable the angels deth every hours.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Traveling through the dark
Traveling through the dark
When he observed its belly closely, he sensed that the fawn inside it must be alive. But he also knew that it could not be born. The tragic fate of the fawn made him emotional. It was difficult for him to throw the body into the gorge because it would kill the baby instantly.
His dilemma and inactness blocked the street. He listened the people getting restless as everybody was in hurry to go. They immediately wanted the road to be opened. The narrator thought very deeply and concluded that it wasn’t practical to leave the dead body of the doe on the street. It could make more accidents. Therefore, he threw it into the gorge and chose to perform his duty.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
The last voyade of the ghost ship
The last voyade of the ghost ship
In this way the boy interest in advanture hatred from villagers isolation etc mad him strong and experienced person.
God’s grandeur
God’s grandeur
The poet supports to god as powerful devine. According to the poet people have become materialistic. They are selfish and distroyin forest for their economic actidites. The people want of finished the nature but that is impossible because the god has strength power and reneus the nature again and again. The poet conunicest the people telling much troth about the greatness of the gods. The god has freshness .of the god. When the people destroyed the nature. The god renewa, it .if minse people have to understand .the power of god.
The world is full of God’s magnificence. The electrical images (charged, shining) convey danger as well as power of God. The poet constantly emphasizes that God’s glory is hidden except to the inquiring eye or on special occasions. In comparing the lightening to’ shaken gold foil, he may possibly have been influenced by the gold-leaf electroscope. The opening lines convey Hopkin’s sense of the power •and glory of god latent in the world. The question describes what man has done to the world that should shine with God’s grandeur. Next comes the suggestion of ruin and dirtiness with the vowel run seared, bleared, smeared. The process is continued by smudge and smell, which pick up the initial consonant sound ’smear’ and, with new intensification, makes man’s smell indeed foul. One can also notice, in Line 7, the intensifying effect in the rhyme of wears and shares and the repetition of man’s with each: the earth is doubly infected (wears, shares) with man’s filth (dirtiness) as it were. The first four lines thus carry the imagery of the thunderstorm at first, the sense of brooding expectancy and then the burst of lighting. Here, Hopkins is concerned with why other people do not respond as he did, and the answer is suggested in the next four lines, beginning with “Generations have trod, have trod, have trod.” Generations of men, ignoring the miraculous quality of life, have lost touch with the grandeur of god and become callous (heartless) to it. Their efforts have all been away from what is most essential to them. Man has betrayed his inborn nature instead of developing it, and has given himself up to trade, industrialization and materialism. He has isolated himself from the sources of knowledge to be found in nature, allowing his greed to destroy his, natural sensitivity to beauty. The poets sweeping condemnation of 19th century industrialization comes very close to his condemnation of man himself.”Shares man’s smell” -although it could possibly refer to smells in manufacturing, it suggests physical loathing (hateful). But even at this stage there is hope and faith.
According of the poet the people has made the world agly because they are destroyed the forest and source of naturefor there selfish profit. Buy here we come of know that we must understand jolary of god in world and we must be careful to protected nature other ways we will be finished by the god according to the poet.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
I Have a Dream
I Have a Dream
The speech “I Have a Dream” is the delivered by a great black amarice leader marth cutherking. In this speech he speck to the Negro people of amarice. The main purpose of his speech is to show the reality of black people of America and make them fee in all aspects according to him freedom justice and equality is give to the black people in constitution but not in reality Abraham Lincoln had a hundred years ago but is not applied the society to cuntionu movement until they get freedom but he wants non violence movement. This is the historical significance his speech. He wants to remove discrimination and wants to make his country as heaven. He complains to white people on to behave so bodly to the black people
"I Have a Dream" is a public speech delivered by American activist during the on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to and called for civil and economic rights. Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the in, the speech was a defining moment of the. Beginning with a reference to the, which freed millions of slaves in 1863, King observes that: "one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free". Toward the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised on the theme "I have a dream", prompted by 's cry: "Tell them about the dream, Martin!" In this part of the speech, which most excited the listeners and has now become its most famous, King described his dreams of freedom and equality arising from a land of slavery and hatred. writes that, "With a single phrase, Martin Luther King Jr. joined and in the ranks of men who've shaped modern America". The speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century in a 1999 poll of scholars of public address
according to him black people are treated as slave. In this way buy his speech he wants equality freedom justice and so on.
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