Thursday, May 5, 2016

Two long-Term problems

Two long-Term problems

Essay essay had been written by mots nissani. According to moti nissani, two long-term problems are focused which are over population deforestation. Human population is changeable because every day people are born and there are a lot of medicines to save life of people mainly nutrition, sanitation and modern medicines are playing important role top save the life of the people to so birth rate is over and death rate is very low as the ruselt the number of death and birth has been disbalance the green forest is destroyed because of overpopulation cuttie farming and the rich people demand wood furniture the effects problem of the deforestance and over population are as flows.
-the green house effect 
-weath extremes, air pollution, soil pollution ozone layer depletion, acid rain, desertification and other 
-sail erosion, landslides, siltaition of rivers draughts and soon 
-scrancity of animals birds and plans 
According to the writer the remedies (salutations) to solve to long term problem are as follows:
-By providing population education 
-By providing effective family planning 
-By using the wood product and recycling reforest once
-By providing financial prize 
-By teaching about the importance of community forest
According to the essay mast living prize winner are optimeics about the future of hum inbeing according to them the present condition of the atmosphere is dangerous man is the main resin of a great destruction of the environment. I man canticles to his current actives he future of the humanbeeing is dark. If the man stops his misdeeds the living world will be able to sustain. 

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